
Dr. Chimaobi .O. Ozurigbo
He gained his medical degree (MD Physician) in Ukraine and furthermore a Master of Surgery in Orthopaedics & Traumatology. Since then he has dedicated himself in pursuit of excellence through a broad-based, result oriented and innovative career in Clinical Medicine and Public Health by integrating to achieve more experience and positively influencing different communities in Nigeria.
Currently as a Traumatologist and head coordinator in Africa for new approach in complementary medicine called “Coral Health” - He has vastly reached out to resolving lots of chronic health conditions via these methods of cellular approach and today has made EcoHealth Foundation uniquely known.
He is quite accommodating, sociable and culturally grounded for better outcomes within challenging situations. He also worked in the past as the International Project Officer to NGO called “Health Improvement on Cancer Initiative”

Mr. Martin .E. Agbarakwe
He has an extensive background and knowledge in issues relating to NGOs and Charitable Foundations. He was the project Director and African Coordinator of Medical Aid Rural Africa (MARA), in which capacity he supervised projects toward the amelioration of debilitating conditions in rural sub-Saharan Africa.
Educated in Canada, B.comm, MBA; he comes to EcoHealth Foundation with a vast array of knowledge and experience. He is open-minded, friendly and a resourceful project leader, with a sound and optimistic outlook on life, and an eagerness to make a difference in the lives of the less privileged and down trodden.